
Nutrient Solutions : Mix a new reservoir weekly.

Coco : Daily

Other Substrates : 2-4 times/week

Shake Well Before Use

Use 2ml per liter during weeks 1 through 2 of the grow phase and 2ml per liter during week 1 through 2 of the bloom phase. For transplant add 2ml of Piranha to the bottom of the hole then set the root of the seedling/cutting directly onto the Piranha liquid. Store in dark place.



Availability: 3 in stock


With Piranha you can now increase the Size & Efficiency of your plant’s roots.

Roots are the foundation of your plant’s ability to intake water and nutrients so they grow well and produce the valuable flowers you so very much enjoy. Use Piranha to put the benificial fungi into your root zone so your roots gain surface mass and increased ability to uptake moister and nutrients. Your guaranteed result are increased plant vigor which rewards you throughout your crop cycle and at harvest time.